Tuesday, June 18, 2013

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Ignoring the long-range precision fire fighting,2013 WINTER CLASSIC jerseys, the evil consequences that Guba numbers play out what shells likelihood disappeared, leaving - Baltic battleship shells, but a series of hit Guba number. Guba successive shells hit the battleship into the North Sea on a fire destroyed, burning the fire will follow the numbers next to France in Guba battleship perfectly exposed. Guba class battleship in the accompanying joint operations in the history of the turret up (with seven turrets) of Agincourt battleship into battle, the French horns in a few rounds, from Agincourt Road looked on the French battleship At least seven large explosion occurred after the explosion of the French battleship like a dead fish floating in the sea, five minutes later, warships midship terrible explosion took place, after the explosion, the French number thrown away in the sea foam.

Battleship sunk in France before Jellicoe can finally have the time to WINTER CLASSIC jerseys fleet lined linear queue, and diverted to the German High Seas Fleet launched a large naval orthodoxy. Powerful British naval artillery has been in play vividly, out of the shells made drilling installed picric acid in seawater, stirred up the water column, killing countless fish, can those shells, full load displacement of 14,000 even fall Tons of Germany class battleship (former dreadnoughts) armor, some can not penetrate armor, so the hapless French German warships and two off as a gun.

German battleship detachments flagship Fifth, King battleship suffered no fewer than ten rounds of 15 inches shells, hundreds of people on a warship crew casualties, the British shells can be too sensitive fuzes damn allows those who have not fully penetrate the armor shells exploded, only add a number to the king a few relatively large pits. And the Evgeni Malkin jersey king at the same level with the number of battleships Elector number, but also in the border Earl battleship many shells, vice gun turret is to blow up a lot, but also tear up the chimney hole, it seems smoke billowing truly spectacular, but these have not a warship was sunk, and even let nhl jerseys losing momentum, the British did not do so.

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