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Warrior never involved in secular union disputes, but no one ignore that horrible fighters union strength, but not many people dared to challenge the authority of the union soldiers. Bailan Si than eight bands on the continent, more than half of the soldiers are members of the union soldiers, eight human Juggernaut is among six people from fighters union. In addition, ordinary soldiers union members also numerous. Almost all countries have soldiers union chapters, each chapter has the right to recruit members. Even the president of the union recruited fighters, fighters union in the end cheap oakley sunglasses can not tell how many members.

For example, a soldier union soldiers fifth order is entirely possible to beat a sixth-order ordinary soldiers. This is the life of the forest and Warcraft are somewhat similar. But the reasons for these soldiers because of the strength of the powerful dragon not to drill cheap ray bans, but from soldiers demanding union membership requirements. Not be able to become a member of the practice of vindictive warrior unions. Fifth-order soldier, but the minimum admission standards fighters union only. Become a vindictive soldier is not particularly difficult, as long as the qualification is not suck in hard that most people can practice a grudge order to become a soldier.

Under normal circumstances,ray bans uk, be able to qualify to become soldiers in five bands twenties when you can call it genius, such as Easley at the age of fifteen can order six soldiers became known as the evildoer can be completely. But even order six soldiers may not be able to become members of the union soldiers. Warrior Level need to submit a request to the soldiers after reaching union membership application, and then a series of assessment by the soldiers union personnel, assessment through before they can become full members. Assessment soldiers brutally unions, even when dead in the assessment is not a strange thing.


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