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Tube Star (tubesat) plan ?nike air max 95, When Catherine saw this starcraft submissions when, indeed, very interested. starcraft between the current high cost of satellite launch, presents a very real sense of initiative : to change the way the satellite launch, reduce the quality of the satellite launch. Satellites can be divided by weight : 1 kg of Pico-Satellite (picosat), 1 ~ 10 kilogram nanosatellite (nanosat), 10 ~ 100 kilograms micron satellite (microsat), 100 ~ 1000 kilograms of small satellites, 1,000 kg The above is general satellites.

5kg nano miniature. Suitable tube load task are: video imaging space on the ground, geomagnetic mapping, satellite direction detection ( horizon, gyroscope, accelerometer, etc. ), measuring the orbital environment (temperature, pressure, radiation intensity, etc. ), hardware, and software in-orbit testing ( microprocessors, etc. ), monitoring of migratory animals from space, stability testing satellite technology, biological experiments, space advertising, space art and space funerals and so on. starcraft company wants to create a popular business model, while the tube is cheap nike shoes Star program.

Tube Star will be launched to an altitude of about 310 kilometers from the derogation track and run along the track a few weeks ( the duration depends on the situation and track space weather conditions ). nike air max Shame not join the ranks of space junk. Tube Star this name does not work...... ah...... Catherine in the brain to be translated into Chinese, finding seems almost syllables and stargazing. Ah, this plan can be changed stargazers planned ! Will not be a big change...... ? Elsa think some words do not convey.


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