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In Tokyo many high school in the city, a few units using the comprehensive school curriculum, with classes and studies the route route comprehensive sports classes, as well as artists line classes. For the school has a large number of artists and athletes, those students who have difficulty in school during the day, you can take a special course with Michael Kors handbags studies and performing arts, not only schoolwork not abandoned, but also take into account the performing arts. Thus, this high school, naturally became the only way Japanese idol artists.

All staff diligently practice indicators in the future as a member of society,Michael Kors handbags outlet, whether in any field, can become the backbone of society, to contribute to society. This indicator is Horikoshi spirit. Hori higher is quite famous star schools in Japan, home of many artists, including Johnny Domoto Tsuyoshi, Matsumoto, Yamashita people are waiting Horikoshi students. This school, they can be called aristocracy of nobles school. And Lisa this time, we at this school.


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