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Moreover, the mercenaries were busy riding the Living Dead seems to escape the explosion I xiao bo this period of time, breaking the fifa 14 coins on the first floor on the second floor of the defense, that the moment of the Living Dead ' ow...... ' meal called excited voice, already began to ring on the third floor at the start, but most are crowded on the third floor, the first floor but open down. I saw Liu in the head on a random door g mask, flashing between stature, hiding in the eyes of the dragon springs on opposite towers already lost Liu Wei figure. At this point, the fourth floor of the battle had already entered a critical moment.

The surviving mercenaries party point of view in the past, then left two men and a woman from sight. Three back against the back, they want to deal with the hallway near the front of the Living Dead permit, a person is responsible for the alert to cling onto the balcony from the rear or the Living Dead. Drew degree from fifa ultimate team coins decisive, accurate marksmanship, skill and composure with the ability to respond is not difficult to see that these three absolute than the so-called military elite is much powerful. Long Qingquan it saw a climb up from the side of the teaching building of the Living Dead, around three head, was about to opportunistic attack, was that sturdy woman, backhand blasting a knock on the head butt.The frequency was significantly better than just shooting, first-come, now has about exhaustion. Want to come too, so much can be stuck in the downstairs living dead for so long, remove this exercise in elite mercenary team, the heavy firepower equally indispensable. The bottom floor, there are obviously different from the one end of the living dead in the buy fifa, screaming, like fleas in general, direct leapt to the fourth floor, limbs upside down on the roof edge. buy fifa Covered with red, severe burns the skin surface, at first glance, actually every inch of skin is intact.

Wherever he went, it was blood-red one. Seems to be in front of the food from the food thorn jī yù, between the head of the Living Dead excited howling sound, brought from a reign of terror, fierce swooping down from the top of the roof. ( To be continued, and if you like this work, you are welcome to (. Com) voted to recommend, monthly, your support is buy fifa biggest motivation. Dragon monster snake head collided with that moment, Mars scattered just listen to the muffled thud, a sudden burst of distorting the entire space, space is compressed to extreme violent blast.


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