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Oh wow...... Pistons bench cheers rang out. Because, because in the end michael kors outlet online won. Pistons win, which is not much surprising places. ( :) But Belts in three years frantically scored 50s, it will surprise many people to madness. Estimates next morning, there will be a variety of media newspapers Belts name, but also on the front page. No LeBron - James Cavaliers, the top teams will be those opponents who do ?

Without LeBron - James, the Cavaliers were captains like cabbage meal Pistons scored, Kandao last is a fiasco. Cavaliers players helpless sigh gas, tonight is a defeat. After the game, cheap Michael Kors even press conferences are not open, you get on the plane to return directly to the Cleveland. The whole game, the Pistons six players in double figures. Belts crazy scored 53 points, 11 assists and six rebounds, very shocking ; Greg - Monroe got the second team high 20 points, along with 13 rebounds ; McGrady to get the full the third team high 16 points, plus five rebounds and five assists ; Weir - Bynum had 11 points, six assists ; Tayshaun - Prince had 12 points and eight rebounds ; Samuel El - Durham Porter harvested 11 points and seven rebounds.

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